Chamontin's Fantastic Beasts

“Fantastic Beasts, and where to find them” , ce film a su inspirer nos élèves de 5°3 et 5°1,2 non-Emile.
Chacun avait pour tâche d’imaginer une créature fantastique qui aurait pu figurer dans le film et dans le répertoire des créatures rédigé par Newt Scamander.
Nous vous présentons les deux créatures sélectionnées par les élèves eux-mêmes. Bravo aux créateurs pour leur engagement et leur talent et merci au FSE qui a financé le lot des gagnants.

This is a sea monster that lives in the Atlantic Ocean near the Canary Islands. It feeds on big fish and whales. It is strong like a white shark, it has scales like a dragon and red eyes that can see like an eagle. It is as fast as lightning.


The Water Move is a beautiful blue puddle of water-like creature. It is 30 centimetres, so it is small. The Water Move shines, it is a creature that has only one eye and that is not dangerous but it can turn very dangerous if it feels unsafe.
When this creature feels unsafe, it can deploy its blade,and only at this moment, it can have two eyes. It uses its blade to hunt or to defend itself.
When the Water Move moves, it is always accompanied by the fireflies. It lives in the Amazonian forest and eats the moss of the trees, mushrooms and occasionally insects or meat. It doesn’t eat fireflies.
It can enter and get out of dreams, it can take the shape it wants to and harden in some parts.